The Lost Academy

created for and run by Nick Collette
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Soon this site will be moved to so make a note in case you come to check back and the forum has moved.

This forum was created as a public discussion group for my website And this means that this place is for the discussion of processes from my book and my website. It is made ONLY for those people who are doing these processes. It is NOT a place for random discussion on theoretical alchemy processes. If you do not understand the knowledge I have given to be 100% TRUTH, and you disagree with what I am calling the Elixir of Life, then do NOT join this forum.

Once again, this is NOT a forum for random alchemy discussion, and I do NOT want to read your opinions about processes that have nothing to do with those presented on my website and in my book.

We here are well aware of what the true Elixir of Life can do, and we are NOT interested in your view unless it is in line with ours, because ours is the ONE AND ONLY TRUTH.

We have the Elixir of Life. We will remain young for the rest of our lives. We do indeed perform transmutations of metals, and our minds have been opened and our psychic powers unfolded by the TRUE Elixir of Life.

If you are still wondering if the Elixir of Life described in my book is even real, then you do NOT belong as a member of this group. Feel free to read all you want, but do NOT join this forum unless you are well aware of the TRUTH about the Elixir of Life.

Unlike all the other alchemy forums on the net, where people just argue about theories all day, here we actual DO WORK and make the real Philosopher's Stone and Elixir of Life.

On this forum we do NOT tolerate the discussion of ORMUS or ORME or "White Powder Gold". Any post that mentions that nonsense will be immediately deleted. If you come across a post that I didn't see which is about the white powder gold bullshit, then contact me and I will promptly delete it and probably ban the user.

The only exception to this rule would be to discuss how useless the fake ORMUS products are which are sold on the net to all these suckers. But unfortunately I would run the risk of this forum being deleted from because they have a zero tolerance policy for forums that attack or defame any person or specific company. So we can't even talk about how terrible their fake products are, sorry.

We also will not be discussing colloidal gold on this forum. Many alchemists warned about the false "Aurum Potabile" and how it upsets the mental stability.

We also will not discuss transmutation of the base metals, not because it's impossible, but because it does indeed work and it needs to be kept secret so alchemists can continue to live the good life and work on charity projects.