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 Art Of Multiplication

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Number of posts : 51
Registration date : 2012-10-25

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PostSubject: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeSun Feb 11, 2018 1:18 pm

While we have thousands of books and manuscripts on alchemy following difference processes to arrive at the same level, I find it somewhat surprising that very few authors mention Multiplication at all and that the few that do are somewhat sketchy on this subject.

Does anyone have any interesting links, books or manuscripts on how multiplication is carried out?

It’s mentioned in the Twelve Keys Of Basil Valentine but not really in-depth.
In the first degree, the Stone is called Adrop, philosophical lead, which is not vulgar lead.

In the second degree, when the sulphur of Mars has been joined to it, it takes the name philosophers’ water, and is now the real  mercury.

Lapidus book says the following “ON MULTIPLICATION OF THE STONE
“To the multiplication of the Stone, is required no labour, save only that thou take the stone, being perfect, and join it with three parts or at the most four parts of mercury of our first work, and govern it with a due fire, in a vessel well closed, so that all the regimens pass with infinite pleasure, and thou shalt have the whole increased a thousandfold beyond what it was before the multiplication of it. And if thou shalt reiterate this work again, in three days thou shalt run through all the regimens, and thy medicine shall be exalted to another millenary virtue of tincture; and if thou shalt yet reiterate the work, it will be perfected in a natural day, and all the regimens shall pass-which will be done afterwards with another reiteration in an hour, nor shalt thou at last be able to find the extent of the virtue of thy stone; it shall be so great that it shall pass thy ingenuity to reckon it, if thou shalt proceed in the work of reiterate multiplication. Now remember to render immortal thanks to God, for thou has now the whole treasure in thy possession.”
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Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2018-01-10

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeSun Feb 11, 2018 6:57 pm

This is a great post! Here are some of the texts that speak of Multiplication which is hardly touched upon.
Quote :
"Sophic Hydrolith"

Secondly, its earthly and natural use consists in changing all imperfect metals, by means of its tincture, into pure and solid gold, as I will try to show as briefly as I can.

The Stone or Elixir cannot be used for this purpose in the form in which we left it at the completion of the previous stage of our process; but it should be still further fermented and augmented in the following manner, as otherwise it could not be conveniently applied to imperfect metals and bodies.

Take one part of the Essence, and add to it three parts of purest gold, which has been purged and melted by means of antimony, and reduced to very thin plates. Let them be placed together in the crucible.

Thereupon the whole compound will be transformed into a pure and efficacious Tincture, which, when applied to base metals, in the ratio of 1 :: 1000, will change them into pure gold.

The purer the metals are, and the greater their affinity to our substance, the more easily are they received by the Tincture, and the more perfect and rapid is the process of regeneration. For the transformation consists in all that is impure and unsuitable being purged off, and rejected like dross. In the same manner flawed stones can be transmuted into precious diamonds, and common crystal can be so tinged as to become equal to the most precious stones. Moreover, many other things may be done with the Tincture which must not be revealed to the wicked world. These virtues of the Stone, and others of a like kind, are looked upon as the least important by the Sages, and by all Christians on whom God has bestowed this most precious gift. Such men think them vile indeed when compared with the knowledge of God and of His works which is afforded by the Stone.

"Twelve Keys Of Eudoxus"

The eleventh Key to the Knowledge of the augmentation of our Stone, I will put before you in the form of a parable.

There lived in the East a gilded knight, named Orpheus, who was possessed of immense wealth, and had everything that heart can wish. He had taken to wife his own sister, Euridice, who did not, however, bear him any children. This he regarded as the punishment of his sin in having wedded his own sister, and was instant in prayer to God both by day and by night, that the curse might be taken from him.

One night, when he was buried in a deep sleep, there came to him a certain winged messenger, named Phœbus, who touched his feet, which were very hot, and said: "Thou noble knight, since thou hast wandered through many cities and kingdoms, and suffered many things at sea, in battle, and in the lists, the heavenly Father has bidden me make known to thee the following means of obtaining thy prayer: Take blood from thy right side, and from the left side of thy spouse. For this blood is the heart's blood of your parents, and though it may seem to be of two kinds, yet, in reality, it is only one. Mix the two kinds of blood, and keep the mixture tightly enclosed in the globe of the seven wise Masters There that which is generated will be nourished with its own flesh and blood, and will complete its course of development when the Moon has changed for the eighth time If thou repeat this process again and again, thou shalt see children's children, and the offspring of thy body shall fill the world.

When the Medicine and Stone of all the Sages has been perfectly prepared out of the true virgin's milk, take one part of it to three parts of the best gold purged and refined with antimony, the gold being previously beaten into plates of the greatest possible thinness. Put the whole into a smelting pot, and subject it to the action of a gentle fire for twelve hours; then let it be melted for three days and three nights more.

For without the ferment of gold no one can compose the Stone or develop the tinging virtue. For the same is very subtle and penetrating if it be fermented and joined with a ferment like unto itself; then the prepared tincture has the power of entering into other bodies, and operating therein. Take then one part of the prepared ferment for the tinging of a thousand parts of molten metal, and then you will learn in all faith and truth that it shall be changed into the only good and fixed gold. For one body takes possession of the other; even if it be unlike to it, nevertheless, through the strength and potency added to it, it is compelled to be assimilated to the same, since like derives origin from like. Whoever uses this as a medium shall find whither the vestibules of the palace lead, and there is nothing comparable to the subtlety thereof. He shall possess all in all, performing all things whatsoever which are possible under the sun.

"Open Entrance To The Closed Palace Of The King"

The Multiplication of the Stone.

Take the perfect Stone; add one part of it to three or four parts of purified Mercury of our first work, subject it to gentle coction for seven days (the vessel being carefully sealed up), and let it pass through all the Reigns, which it will do very quickly and smoothly. The tinging power of the substance will thus be exalted a thousandfold; and if you go through the whole process a second time (which you can do with ease in three days) the Medicine will be much more precious still. This you may repeat as often as you like; the third time the substance will run through all the Reigns in a day, the fourth time in a single hour, and so on—and the improvement in its quality will be most marvellous. Then kneel down and render thanks to God for this precious treasure.

"Golden Calf"

"When the White Tincture is added to metals as a ferment, it transmutes them into purest silver; when the Red Tincture is mixed with pure gold, it is, within three days, multiplied by the quantity of the gold."

Helmontius ("On Life Eternal") has the following words:—"I have seen the Stone, and touched it with my own hands... One-fourth of a grain of this powder, wrapped up in paper, I have cast upon eight ounces of boiling quicksilver in a crucible, and immediately the whole mixture was congealed into a mass like yellow wax; when the fusion was completed, the crucible contained eight ounces of purest gold (less eleven grains). So one grain of our powder had transmuted into purest gold 19,186 times its own weight of quicksilver,—and this process can be repeated indefinitely. The powder cleanses the metal from all impurity, and protects it from rust, decay, and fire, etc.

Again, the same Helmontius says, in his "Tree of Life":—"I am compelled to believe that there is a Stone which produces gold and silver; for I have several times, with my own hands, projected one grain of powder upon one thousand grains of boiling quicksilver, which was thereby, in the presence of a great multitude of spectators, immediately transformed into precious gold. He who first gave me some of this transmutatory powder, had of it at least as much as would have sufficed for the production of 200,000 pounds of gold. He gave me about

"First I found in my own laboratory, aqua fortis, next in that of Charles de Roy, I poured it over calx of gold prepared in the ordinary way, and after the third cohobation, it sublimated with itself the tincture of gold in the neck of the retort, which I mingled with silver precipitated in the ordinary way, and I beheld that it had transmuted one ounce of sublimated tincture of gold in the crucible with the usual flux, and two ounces of precipitated silver, into an ounce-and-a-half of the best gold, while the third portion remained silver. The gold was white and fixed, but the remaining two parts were the best silver, fixed under the test of any fire. This is my experience, and I need not say that it has made me a most enthusiastic believer in Alchemy.
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Number of posts : 166
Registration date : 2017-08-28

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2018 1:30 am

Have you read any treatises from Rhumelius, Peter Bonus, or Sendivogius, frankjames?

Needless to say, those quotes posted above by Chasm369 are wonderfully explicit and not much more is needed to clarify the art of Multiplication than the above posted quotes!
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Number of posts : 51
Registration date : 2012-10-25

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2018 6:35 am

Schmildvich wrote:
Have you read any treatises from Rhumelius, Peter Bonus, or Sendivogius, frankjames?

Needless to say, those quotes posted above by Chasm369 are wonderfully explicit and not much more is needed to clarify the art of Multiplication than the above posted quotes!

All these documents I know well as do others over the years but none have achieved Multiplication, following the documents.
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Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2018-01-10

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2018 8:32 am

frankjames wrote:
Schmildvich wrote:
Have you read any treatises from Rhumelius, Peter Bonus, or Sendivogius, frankjames?

Needless to say, those quotes posted above by Chasm369 are wonderfully explicit and not much more is needed to clarify the art of Multiplication than the above posted quotes!

All these documents I know well as do others over the years but none have achieved Multiplication, following the documents.

Achieving the stone is wrought with many difficulties and obstacles.
The multiplication of the stone on the other hand, is written of openly.
If one cannot multiply their medicine because it does not respond to the open instruction, then one must begin to question their stone and ask, "is it really the stone?"
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Number of posts : 852
Registration date : 2016-11-12

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2018 1:07 am

Why wasting your time in Charlatans opinions, when they themselves don't understand these Texts, so how they will guide you in this way, its more better to use your own mind, and try to find such methods where the Philosophers as well as all the Chemists attempted a successful Transmutations, it will open your mind and clear all the confusions what you are looking in Multiplication.

Further you have to keep in mind that Charlatans Stones don't deliquesce in Air (neither in the coldest temperatures of Winter nor in the hottest climates of Summer) which is a specific property attribute to it, so if you feel that there is a problem in your Stone, then use the process of Solve et Coagula 100 times in the hottest summers to activate its powers towards transmutation.

With love and regard to all who are trying to find the LIGHT of TRUTH.

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Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2018-01-10

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2018 10:54 am

Traveller wrote:
Why wasting your time in Charlatans opinions, when they themselves don't understand these Texts, so how they will guide you in this way, its more better to use your own mind, and try to find such methods where the Philosophers as well as all the Chemists attempted a successful Transmutations, it will open your mind and clear all the confusions what you are looking in Multiplication.
Brother Traveller, how about speaking to the subject of the post...multiplication!
The reason the member posted, was to delve into this subject more closely. You claim to be an adept, you can assist if you wish, or not.

Bacstrom speaks of multiplications in his Aphorisms. He also mentions the Tetractys in the text as the template for the proportions.
The Tetractys, also called the Lambda, is a Pythagorean construct embracing the natural laws of harmony. Little information exists in this field but if one were to study the Timaeus, some light exists there.

Traveller wrote:
Further you have to keep in mind that Charlatans Stones don't deliquesce in Air (neither in the coldest temperatures of Winter nor in the hottest climates of Summer) which is a specific property attribute to it, so if you feel that there is a problem in your Stone, then use the process of Solve et Coagula 100 times in the hottest summers to activate its powers towards transmutation.
Are you saying that the stone is deliquescent in the air? So it is not completely fixed? I was thinking that through the process of solve et coagula, that the matter, whatever it is, somehow fixed itself after the acid and base reaction reconciled. Can you elaborate here?

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Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2018-01-10

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2018 2:52 pm

Frankjames wrote:
Lapidus book says the following “ON MULTIPLICATION OF THE STONE
“To the multiplication of the Stone, is required no labour, save only that thou take the stone, being perfect, and join it with three parts or at the most four parts of mercury of our first work, and govern it with a due fire, in a vessel well closed, so that all the regimens pass with infinite pleasure, and thou shalt have the whole increased a thousandfold beyond what it was before the multiplication of it.

I'm wondering frankjames,
infinite pleasure, when observing something, must be a real sight to see.
Have you ever witnessed a regimen that looked somewhat like this:

In this image, one can see many many colours, all the colours of the world, especially gold. Common gold though, is not present. This regimen passed in very short time...minutes!

Also, the philosophical lead, have you seen it? Can you describe it?
I have told others that when working with their matter, so long as it is not burnt by vulgar fire, to save it and accumulate it for the future in the event that they succeed. Do you reckon this philosophical lead to be the result of the first work...Adrop?

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Number of posts : 852
Registration date : 2016-11-12

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeWed Feb 14, 2018 3:19 am

Chasm wrote:
How about speaking to the subject of the post...multiplication!
The reason the member posted, was to delve into this subject more closely. You claim to be an adept, you can assist if you wish, or not.
Can you elaborate here?

I have given him the right answer. And keep your philosophy as well as your dirty picture on your on side, because you don’t know that how and in which sense he was asking this question.

Chasm wrote:
Bacstrom speaks of multiplications in his Aphorisms.

Don’t speak about him because he was also a common Man like you, who after passing the education of a Doctor, mistakenly fallen into this Art for the search of something special, I already mentioned about it that who has successfully able to education himself in other sciences, he will hardly be able to find anything in this secret Art, other more good examples of these seekers are Dr. Theodar Kirkring, Dr. Franz Hartmann, Dr. Frater Albertus, they all are included among the very good contributors who brought into light very useful writings of the philosophers but themselves couldn’t able to achieve ANYTHING.

And why I said above that don’t mention his name, because in the translation, editing and transcribing of the philosophical books he missed very important keys which he couldn’t able to understand, and so his texts resulted to mislead to many seekers of this Art, where they adapted his style to use Blood and other things literally as he was spoken in his words.

I already said that the translation, editing and other things only that person should to do who already has a proper understanding of the Art, that his words and meanings try to facilitate the reader and not to confuse him anymore, and you also agreed with this, in other thread, that it is the main cause that why this secret Art has become Lost form the hands of this modern day world.

Chasm wrote:
Are you saying that the stone is deliquescent in the air? So it is not completely fixed? I was thinking that through the process of solve et coagula, that the matter, whatever it is, somehow fixed itself after the acid and base reaction reconciled. Can you elaborate here?

Sure, when you used the word Hypothetical, or when you started to argue against my words, then I was said that whoever, anywhere feel that I am saying something out of their approach of mind or understanding, then must ask me, and I will lead them to the right quotes from the books of the philosophers where is mentioned these things, so there is nothing which I shared here was a mind-made thing, but I don’t provide the long quotes like Schmeldvich because I understand these things very well and so I like to tell it in my own simple words in place of providing the quotes from the books. But if someone ask me about the source then anywhere I will go for it for the confirmation.

The source of statement is Isaac Hollandus, DE LAPIDE PHILOSOPHORUM,
There is a manuscript which tells us the Multiplication of the Stone as well as its cleansing as I mentioned above through either solve et coagula and sublimation, in the center of the book there is a manuscript “This Work Cost 800 Guilders” check its section of Multiplication, where in the end of the book Hollandus also replicated the same work, no need to check it, but only to check the referred context, which is relevant of your asked question, where is mentioned both of the Answers how to Multiply (you need to go deep in its understanding to use it in a Minor way), and how to Purify or activate its powers for a good transmutation.

And you Chasm these things are not for you, or can be said that these things are not relevant to your incorrect and disgusting work from any side. So I will not prefer it for you.

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Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2018-01-10

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeWed Feb 14, 2018 5:06 pm

Traveller wrote:
Don’t speak about him because he was also a common Man like you, who after passing the education of a Doctor, mistakenly fallen into this Art for the search of something special, I already mentioned about it that who has successfully able to education himself in other sciences, he will hardly be able to find anything in this secret Art, other more good examples of these seekers are Dr. Theodar Kirkring, Dr. Franz Hartmann, Dr. Frater Albertus, they all are included among the very good contributors who brought into light very useful writings of the philosophers but themselves couldn’t able to achieve ANYTHING.
So YOU, who appears an educated chemist, fall into the same category in my eyes. What's the difference?

Traveller wrote:
And why I said above that don’t mention his name, because in the translation, editing and transcribing of the philosophical books he missed very important keys which he couldn’t able to understand, and so his texts resulted to mislead to many seekers of this Art, where they ...

Many seekers failed to understand his aphorisms which precede his Process.
There is no fault in Bacstrom in my eyes. In fact, anyone can say what they wish of him. For all I know, he may have faked his death that he could live free of persecution. One just doesn't know for sure, however, this was a method employed by the alchemists.

Traveller wrote:
I already said that the translation, editing and other things only that person should to do who already has a proper understanding of the Art, that his words and meanings try to facilitate the reader and not to confuse him anymore, and you also agreed with this, in other thread, that it is the main cause that why this secret Art has become Lost form the hands of this modern day world.

Yes I agree with this, which is why I responded as above.

Traveller wrote:
Chasm wrote:
Are you saying that the stone is deliquescent in the air? So it is not completely fixed? I was thinking that through the process of solve et coagula, that the matter, whatever it is, somehow fixed itself after the acid and base reaction reconciled. Can you elaborate here?

Traveller wrote:
Sure, when you used the word Hypothetical, or when you started to argue against my words, then I was said that whoever, anywhere feel that I am saying something out of their approach of mind or understanding, then must ask me, and I will lead them to the right quotes from the books of the philosophers where is mentioned these things, so there is nothing which I shared here was a mind-made thing, but I don’t provide the long quotes like Schmeldvich because I understand these things very well and so I like to tell it in my own simple words in place of providing the quotes from the books. But if someone ask me about the source then anywhere I will go for it for the confirmation.

Chasm369 wrote:
From Hollandus:
You must understand that this white matter or earth is nothing but an earth that has lost its moisture and is still of no use. That is why you must know that there are many mistakes in this Art, for there are many who dare to make the Philosophers’ Stone, and indeed reach this degree with a good regimen of the fire, and endeavor to fix this Stone to the White or the Red. When this matter or Stone is fixed, they believe that they can make projection by throwing it on raw Mercury or other imperfect metals --- but to no avail. Then they become despondent and say that the Art is impossible. True, it is impossible for them, because their earth has lost its moisture, just as Geber says: Spirits which have lost their moisture due to many sublimations and fixation are useless as long as they are earth and therefore dry like the latter. The ignorant do not understand this, and after they have made their Stone and it has the right color, it must again be made subtile and volatile if it is to have ingress and make projection. However, they do not understand the words of the wise. They may well know how to make the Stone and do indeed make it as it is supposed to be made, but they abandon the Work just when they should begin to labour properly, and thus they remain in their foolish error.

Perhaps there is a light in this paragraph. If you can see in your minds eye, the process, then all is simple and clear. The powder is dry, but to project, it must be made fusible.
Hollandus has said it best above, which is why I asked you if the stone, in your opinion, deliquesced.

Traveller wrote:
And you Chasm these things are not for you, or can be said that these things are not relevant to your incorrect and disgusting work from any side. So I will not prefer it for you.
Yeah, yeah, you're an adept. I'm not worthy. You know it all, blah blah blah... cheers jocolor
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Number of posts : 166
Registration date : 2017-08-28

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeFri Feb 23, 2018 5:23 pm

frankjames wrote:
Schmildvich wrote:
Have you read any treatises from Rhumelius, Peter Bonus, or Sendivogius, frankjames?

Needless to say, those quotes posted above by Chasm369 are wonderfully explicit and not much more is needed to clarify the art of Multiplication than the above posted quotes!

All these documents I know well as do others over the years but none have achieved Multiplication, following the documents.

Might I suggest reading each of these Authors again...?

    "The New Chemical Light" by Michael Sendivogius wrote:
    We may instance the apple, wherein is the sperm, whence the tree does not spring; but in this sperm is the seed or grain interiorly, whence the tree is born even without sperm, for multiplication is not of the sperm but of the seed. Thus we see how Nature, without our help, creates vegetable seed out of the four elements. But how about Minerals? Nature brings forth Mineral or Metallic seed in the bowels of the earth. This is the reason why so many will not believe in its existence -- because it is invisible. And on this account the vulgar unbelief is not so greatly to be wondered at: for if they hardly understand that which is openly before their eyes, how should they know anything about that which they cannot see.

    Yet, whether they believe it or not, the fact remains the same, and it is most true that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is born above has origin from the same source which is at work down below, even in the bowels of the earth. What prerogative have vegetables above metals that God should give seed to the one and withhold it from the other? Are not metals as much in His sight as trees?

    It is certain that nothing can grow without seed; for that which has no seed, is dead. The four elements must either bring forth metallic seed or produce metals without seed. In the latter case, they cannot be perfect: for nothing is complete without seed. He who can bring himself to believe that metals are destitute of seed, is unworthy to understand the mysteries of our Art. The metals then really contain their own proper seed; and it is generated in the following way. The vapour which (in the manner repeatedly described rises from the earth's centre, and is called Mercury not on account of its essence but on account of its fluidity, and the facility with which it adheres to anything, is assimilated to the sulphur on account of its internal heat; and, after congelation, is the radical humour. Thus metals are indeed generated out of mercury; but those ignorant persons who say that this first substance of metals is ordinary mercury, confound the whole hole body with the seed that is in it, seeing that common mercury, too, contains metallic seed, as well as the other metals. Let us illustrate the matter by the analogy of the human body.

    Therein it is certain that there is a seed whereby the species of mankind is propagated. That body (which may be likened to common mercury) contains seed, which is not seen, and of which the quantity is very small in proportion to the size of the whole body: the process of generation is performed not by the whole body, but by this seminal "congealed watery vapour." But as no vital generation could take place if the body were dissected in order to get at the seed, as the murdering of the body would kill the seed -- so ignorant Alchemists may be said to murder the body and kill the seed of metals, when they dissolve their bodies, whether of gold, silver, or lead, and corrode them with aqua fortis, in order to obtain the metallic seed. All multiplication is performed by means of male and female seed; and the two (which by themselves are barren) must be conjoined in order to bring forth fruit, i.e., a new form. Whosoever, therefore, would bring forth any good thing must take the sperm or the seed, and not the entire body.

    Take, then, the living male and the living female, and join them in order that they may project a sperm for the procreation of a fruit according to their kind, for let no one presume to suppose that he can make the first matter. The first matter of man is earth, and there is no one so bold as to dream that he can create a man. God alone can perform this artifice. But if the second substance (or seed) which is already created, be put in the proper place, Nature will produce a new form of the same species. The Artist only separates what is subtle from its grosser elements, and puts it into the proper "vessel." Nature does the rest. As a thing begins, so it ends.

    Out of one arise two, and out of two one -- as of God the Father there was begotten God the Son, and from the two proceeded God the Holy Ghost. Thus was the world made, and so also shall it end. Consider carefully these few points, and you will find, firstly the Father, then the Father and the Son, lastly, the Holy Spirit. You will find the four elements, the four luminaries, the two celestials, the two centrics. In a word there is nothing, has been, and shall be nothing in the World which is otherwise than it appears in this symbol, and a volume might be filled with its mysteries. I say, therefore, it is the attribute of God alone to make one out of one, you must produce one thing out of two by natural generation.

    Know, then, that the multiplying sperm is the second substance, and not the first. For the first substance of things is not seen, but is hidden in Nature or the elements: the second substance is occasionally seen by the children of knowledge.

Frankjames, it would do you good to read the other authors I mentioned too.
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Number of posts : 852
Registration date : 2016-11-12

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PostSubject: Re: Art Of Multiplication   Art Of Multiplication Icon_minitimeSat Feb 24, 2018 12:03 am

Frankjames was asking this information in the sense of multiplying a Tincture of Gold, which already has a weak, impure, and minor constitution, where it can only accept the process of Multiplication in Quality.
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